Seemingly a long way from the manicured lawns of middle America, Brooklyn still makes room for the suburban enthusiast - evidenced by this tiny vegetable patch outside a café on Union Ave. But don’t be fooled! The shabby DIY aesthetic is deeply embedded in Williamsburg’s hip café culture. It becomes impossible to distinguish chic from naff, well-heeled from down at heel.
In truth this rarefied slice of suburbia denotes a form of gentrification so advanced that it’s hard to say which side of the ironic white fence you fall on. And when the teller rings up your total it can feel like you’re sitting directly on top of a pointy picket: on the first morning of the trip I parted ways with a painful $28 for the pleasure of a filter coffee, two pastries, and a small bag of coffee beans to bring back to my hosts…
The tiny veggie patch outside the cafe in Brooklyn where I learned a valuable lesson.